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Tatsuya Minami shared by PlatinumGames on Twitter / Photo of Tatsuya Minami shared by PlatinumGames on Twitter. / Image credit: PlatinumGames

Tatsuya Minami

Tatsuya Minami is a Japanese video game producer known for high-profile Capcom releases including Resident Evil, Devil May Cry and Mega Man, and as a co-founder of PlatinumGames Inc. Minami left PlatinumGames in March 2016.

Personal details



Minami stepped down as president and CEO of PlatinumGames Inc. in March 2016.


  1. Gematsu (2016, April 21). PlatinumGames CEO Tatsuya Minami resigns. https://www.gematsu.com/2016/04/platinumgames-ceo-tatsuya-minami-resigns.

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