Portal screenshot shared on Steam by catfishbilly97

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Portal screenshot shared on Steam by catfishbilly97 / First-person view of a grey concrete test chamber with a white portal gun and two portals, one orange and one blue, in the walls. Through the portals we see two views of the holder of the portal gun, a woman with brown hair and wearing a jumpsuit. / Image credit: Valve Corporation
Accessible description First-person view of a grey concrete test chamber with a white portal gun and two portals, one orange and one blue, in the walls. Through the portals we see two views of the holder of the portal gun, a woman with brown hair and wearing a jumpsuit.
Date No date has been provided </span>
Place No place has been provided
Source URL https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3275295093
Reproduced under the doctrine of fair use
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