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North & South poster / Sorry, we don't have accessible text for this image :( / Image credit: Infogrames

North & South

North & South is a 1989 American Civil War-themed strategy game developed by Infogrames.

Screenshots and images

Company and staff credits

Platform comparison

Platform Released Interfaces Target FPS Video Sound
Amiga 1989
- - - -
Atari ST 1989
- - - -
NES 1990
- - - -
ZX Spectrum - - - - -
Amstrad CPC - - - - -
MSX - - - - -
Commodore 64 - - - - -
MS-DOS - - - - -

Game details

Release dates
  • 1989:
    • Amiga (Europe)
    • Atari ST (Europe)
  • 1990:
    • NES (Europe)
Also known as
  • Nord et Sud (official; France)

Development and pre-release

Was inspired by the Belgian comic series Les Tuniques Bleues, which itself was based on the events of the American Civil War.

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Last updated