Edit this page Bayonetta boss fight with Fortitudo, PC version / Screen-grabbed from "Bayonetta - Fortitudo Boss Fight Pure Platinum (4K 60FPS)" by 4K no HUD Gameplay on YouTube / Image credit: PlatinumGames Inc / SEGA
Bayonetta cover art / Wikipedia's cover art image for Bayonetta. / Image credit: SEGA/PlatinumGames Inc.


We don't have an article summary for Bayonetta yet.

Screenshots and images

Company and staff credits

Platform comparison

Platform Released Local Interfaces Target FPS Video Sound
PS3 29 October 2009
1 player
Standard 60 720p Surround 5.1
Xbox 360 29 October 2009
1 player
Standard 60 720p Surround 5.1
Wii U 20 September 2014
1 player
Standard 60 720p Surround 5.1
Windows 11 April 2017
1 player
Standard 60 No max. resolution Surround 5.1
Switch 17 February 2018
1 player
Standard 60 720p Surround 5.1
PS4 28 May 2020
1 player
Standard 60 1080p Surround 5.1
Xbox One X -
1 player
Standard 60 1440p Surround 5.1
Xbox One -
1 player
Standard 60 1080p Surround 5.1

Game details

Release dates
  • 29 October 2009:
    • Xbox 360 (Japan)
    • PS3 (Japan)
  • 5 January 2010:
    • Xbox 360 (North America)
    • PS3 (North America)
  • 7 January 2010:
    • Xbox 360 (Australia)
    • PS3 (Australia)
  • 8 January 2010:
    • Xbox 360 (Europe)
    • PS3 (Europe)
  • 20 September 2014:
    • Wii U (Japan)
  • 25 October 2014:
    • Wii U (Australia)
  • 11 April 2017:
    • Windows (Worldwide)
  • 17 February 2018:
    • Switch (Japan)
  • 28 May 2020:
    • PS4 (Japan)

Graphics and visual design

Bayonetta targets a frame rate of 60 frames per second on all platforms, according to Digital Foundry's analyses. The PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and Nintendo Switch versions all run at 720p resolution; the PlayStation4 and Xbox One's 10th anniversary ports run at 1080p, which is increased to 1440p on Xbox One X; and the Windows PC version offers a scalable resolution that Digital Foundry tested up to 2880p (4800 x 2880).

Music and sound

Bayonetta supports 5.1 channel surround sound on all platforms, including Nintendo Wii U.


  1. Linneman, J. (2017, April 12). Bayonetta PC runs beautifully - even on old hardware. Eurogamer. https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2017-bayonetta-pc-performance-analysis.
  2. Linneman, J. (2018, February 14). Is Bayonetta on Switch the definitive console version?. Eurogamer. https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2018-is-switch-bayonetta-the-definitive-console-version.
  3. Leadbetter, R. (2020, February 21). Bayonetta and Vanquish 10th anniversary: the new Xbox One and PS4 ports tested. Eurogamer. https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2020-bayonetta-vanquish-10th-anniversary-port-analysis.
  4. Nintendo.com (2014). Bayonetta Wii U manual. . https://www.nintendo.com/consumer/downloads/manual-WiiU-Bayonetta.pdf.

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